Everyday we pray for things; for some of us we pray for health needs, sins, family, and so on. Today, a noble police man and dear friend led an awesome prayer service for the peacekeepers. The service lasted only 30 minutes and a few Scripture passages were read, but this Inspiration for Today has a two-fold request for you.
First, pray earnestly for our peacekeepers. Pray for the Christians who serve that they may be a beacon for those in need of a Savior. Pray for their safety as they enter into trying and often hazardous situations. Pray for their families as they need all the support with this kind of job.
Second, pray for more of these services and Christian support that it will strengthen our peacekeepers, their departments, and beyond.
Lord God, I openly pray in this forum that you guide our peacekeepers. Whether police, fire, EMT, doctor, nurse, soldier/sailor/marine/airmen/coast guard, or politician, please keep them safe. Lift them up with your courage. Arm them with the Belt of Truth, the Sword of the Word, the Shield of Faith, and the Breastplate of Righteousness so they may firmly plant their feet in the day of evil. Be with their families and encourage them and echo that Light through them. I pray for all of this in the effort that the Gospel will be reached, seeking first Your Kingdom, furthering it, defeating our common enemy, Satan. I ask this all in the name of Jesus, Your Son, our Savior...Amen!
Great to be with you at this event this morning.